Welcome to the North Idaho College Online Transfer Center. Follow the 3 steps on how to start planning to transfer and complete a bachelor's degree.
Step 1: Decide where you want to go
- www.boisestate.edu
- Admissions Information for Transfer Students
- NIC transfer agreements with BSU
- Transfer Course Equivalency *
- Boise State Online Student Success Coaches
- Online Promotional Video
- Monthly Information Sessions
Transferring to Boise State University?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at Boise State University
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to Boise State University by using the Transfer Guide.*
Boise State University accepts both NIC's AA degree and AS degree. Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which Associates degree is the right choice for you.
* Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact an advisor at Boise State University to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements. For questions about transferring email transfer@boisestate.edu.
If you are interested in transferring into a fully online bachelor's degree, you can see a list of available online degrees and certificates. Contact online@boisestate.edu with questions regarding online options.
- Idaho State University Home
- Admissions Information for Transfer Students
- NIC Bengal Bound Partnership with ISU
- Connect with an Idaho State University representative
Transferring to Idaho State University?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at Idaho State University
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to Idaho State University by contacting the office of Undergraduate Admissions at (208) 282-2475 or admiss@isu.edu
Idaho State University accepts both NIC's AS and AA degree. Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which NIC Associates degree is the right choice for you.
* Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact an advisor at Idaho State University to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.
- Helpful Transferring Tips
- www.lcsc.edu
- Admissions Information for Transfer Students
- Coeur d'Alene Campus
- Virtual Opportunities & Appointments
- LCSC-CDA Events
- LC Express Advising Guides
- Contact
Transferring to Lewis-Clark State College?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at Lewis-Clark State College, CDA specific programs
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to Lewis-Clark State College by using the Transfer Guide.* Speak to a dedicated CDA Enrollment Specialist; Dana at dmparsons@lcsc.edu, 208-292-2685, or by text at 208-494-9906.
- Step Three: Apply for FREE at https://www.lcsc.edu/admissions/apply and apply as soon as possible. Keep in mind our March 1 priority deadline for all following academic year scholarships.
- Step Four: Fill out and add Lewis-Clark State College to your FAFSA! Our FAFSA code is 001621.
Lewis-Clark State College accepts both NIC's AA degree and AS degree. Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which Associates degree is the right choice for you.
* Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact an advisor at Lewis-Clark State College to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.

University of Idaho
- University of Idaho home
- U of I Coeur d'Alene Center
- Admissions Information for Transfer Students
- Transfer Pathways
- Advisor Resources
- Scholarships for Idaho residents or Washington residents
- Digital Viewbook
- Take a virtual tour of campus or schedule a Moscow campus visit
- Considering an online degree? Check out online degree offerings and resources for distance students here.
- Helpful Videos for your UI Exploration.
Becky Byers is the Assistant Associate Director of Admissions for the University of Idaho located conveniently on the NIC campus in the DeArmond Building. Email beckyb@uidaho.edu or call 208-292-2510 to schedule a meeting time. Virtual Visits are also available to schedule. Vandal Visits with Becky.
Transferring to University of Idaho?
- Step One: Research your potential U of I degree. Check out the Coeur d'Alene list here.
- Step Two: Plan your path early. You can start taking U of I classes while still at NIC through concurrent enrollment. Please Contact us as soon as possible so your U of I and NIC advisors can work together to plan your coursework.*
- Step Three: U of I accepts applications continuously, but you’ll want to apply as early as possible, be aware of the priority financial aid date and update your FAFSA. Spring registration opens in November. Fall registration opens in April. Allow plenty of time to get first pick of classes.
- *Confirm transferable courses by using the Transfer Guide Equivalency System or the I Transfer tool. U of I accepts both AA and AS degrees. An A.A. or A.S. will satisfy your General Education Requirements at UI. Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which associate degree is the right choice for you.
- Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should contact an advisor at U of I to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.
- www.ewu.edu
- Admissions Information for Transfer Students
- Academic MAPs*
- Schedule 1-on-1 appointment
- Promotional Video
- EWU LookBook
- Visit/Virtual Events
Transferring to Eastern Washington University?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at Eastern Washington University
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to Eastern Washington University by using the Transfer Guide.*
Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which NIC Associates degree is the right choice for you.
* Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact an advisor at Eastern Washington University to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.
Transferring to Gonzaga University?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at Gonzaga University
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to Gonzaga University by using the Transfer Guide.*
- Step Three: Apply to Gonzaga University at www.gonzaga.edu/transferapp
Gonzaga University accepts both NIC's AS and AA degree. Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which NIC Associates degree is the right choice for you.
* Note: Transfer equivalencies and degree articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact the Transfer Admission Counselor (Lindsey Spencer, spencerL2@gonzaga.edu) at Gonzaga University to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.
Transferring to Washington State University?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at Washington State University.
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to Washington State University by using the Transfer Guide.*
Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which NIC Associates degree is the right choice for you.
Students, Faculty and Staff can find their rep at each of the WSU campuses.
* Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact an advisor at Washington State University to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.
- www.whitworth.edu
- Admissions Information for Transfer Students
- Information for Whitworth School for Continuing Studies evening program
Transferring to Whitworth University?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at Whitworth University.
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to Whitworth University by using the Transfer Guide.*
Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which NIC Associates degree is the right choice for you.
* Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact an advisor at Whitworth University to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.
Transferring to Carroll College?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at Carroll College
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to Carroll College by using the Transfer Guide.*
Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which NIC Associates degree is the right choice for you.
* Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact an advisor at Carroll College to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.
Carroll College Contact Information - transfer@carroll.edu or (406) 447-5406
Transferring to Montana State University?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at Montana State University
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to Montana State University by using the Transfer Guide.*
Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which NIC Associates degree is the right choice for you.
* Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact an advisor at Montana State University to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.
- www.umt.edu
- Schedule a meeting with a recruiter
- Admissions Information for Transfer Students
- Video of the University of Montana
Transferring to University of Montana?
- Step One: Research the degree(s) you are interested in attaining at University of Montana
- Step Two: Confirm transferable course to University of Montana by using the Transfer Guide.*
Speak with your NIC advisor to determine which NIC Associates degree is the right choice for you.
* Note: Transfer Guides and course articulations are subject to change. Students should be sure to contact an advisor at University of Montana to confirm transfer guides and degree requirements.
- To attend GCU online, connect with a University Development Counselor
- To attend GCU in person and on campus, connect with a University Admissions Counselor
- Attend an interactive virtual tour of campus
- For all other transfer related questions
Western Governors University https://www.wgu.edu/
- NIC transfer pathways https://partners.wgu.edu/transferring-page
- WGU in Idaho https://www.wgu.edu/partners/community-colleges...
- About video https://www.youtube.com/@wgu
- What is Competency-Based Education? https://www.wgu.edu/about/story/cbe.html
Steps 2 and 3: Start the Transfer Process
Once you have chosen where you want to go, follow the next steps below to start the process.
- Be sure that you understand the difference between unofficial and official transcripts. Official transcripts can be ordered online:
- When ordering transcripts, be sure to check the other school’s deadline for when they need to receive the transcript.
- Transcripts can be ordered at any point during the semester. There is an option to send after final grades post and/or after the program posts.
- Any balance must be paid in full to avoid having a hold on your transcripts.
- When submitting your FAFSA, be sure to leave NIC’s school code off but add the school code for your new school.
- It is important that you follow up with the Financial Aid Office at your new school to check on financial aid and other institutional resources they may have.
- Concurrent Enrollment info–UI and LCSC
- Not going to UI or LCSCbut still would like to finish NIC program despite transferring? Send transcripts back to NIC after completing courses from the newschool to fulfil graduation requirementfor NIC program
- Steps –connect with advisor about transfer equivalencyof courses(add linkto transfer equivalency report)